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The Fiskum church stands in Darbu near the lake Fiskumvatnet, a part of the larger lake Eikern. The architect was Arnstein Arneberg (1882-1961, he also designed the Skjerstad church in this collection). It was completed in 1945 to replace the previous church that burnt down on New Years Day 1940. The latter was built in 1903 to replace the church that burnt down in 1902, the first of the "new" churches, built in 1866.


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The old Fiskum church is one of the smallest stone churches in the country. It was built in the early 1200s. It stand at an idyllic forest and a small trickling brook near the lake Fiskumvannet and is now used only sometimes in summer. You can't drive to the church; even brides have to walk (or be carried by the groom?) the last hundred meters.

