
used to be a fishing village by the Atlantic Ocean,
but now the houses are holiday homes

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Veiholmen is a tiny island, or rather a group of tiny island west of the 280 km2 island Smøla (which is also the name of the administrative district), north of Kristiansund. Originally it was a fishing village, quite crowded when boats came from far away during the season. Still fishing and fishing industry is important, but tourism is playing an increasing role. There are about 240 all-year inhabitants on the island, and several houses are sold as 'summer houses'.


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Map of Veiholmen. The local name of the site, "Været", means "fishing station". The road from the large island Smøla runs some eight kilometres northwards across many small islands and reefs, the last bit shown. One of the first building you encounter houses a grocery store, and a bit further on you'll find a hotel.

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A small lighthouse on poles on the southwest side of the islets.


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View towards the breakwater on the ocean side of the islets.


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An outer harbour inside the breakwater with the old white wharf storehouse.


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'Dampkaia' (the Steam(ship) Wharf) inside the breakwater was abandoned long ago.


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A part of the harbour, the main reason for this village.


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Another view of the harbour, seen from the hotel/restaurant balcony.


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Most power lines seem to be on poles, maybe because the ground is tough rock just below the surface.


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Almost all houses here are well kept, and most of them are white.


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But some houses are red.


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And a few houses are yellow.


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Shallow soil (transported from the large island?) and salt spray from the ocean don't seem ideal for gardening, but Loosestrife (Lysimachia) has shown to be a safe bet.


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A decorated house with lots of other garden flowers.


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'Feskarkjerringa' (the Fisherman's Wife), a sculpture by Ola Staveng, 1997.


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The road to the large island Smøla was finished in 1977. It runs off the right edge of this picture and continues for ten kilometres across several islets, moles and bridges.


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On the road from Veiholmen. This is Hopen on Smøla where it joins other roads. The blue mountains are nearly 40 kilometres off, behind the flat island Smøla, on other islands close to the mainland.


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The Smøla coat of arms
